Reversing the use of Phone and Fax


If you prefer to pull all addresses from AD (Setting GetAllAddressFromUserOnly = True), then you need to know what fields in AD to use for what purpose.


The following convention has been derived:

1.  HQ Phone numbers are pulled from “Telephone number:” field

2.  Direct phone numbers are pulled from Telephone “other” field.

3.  HQ Fax numbers are pulled from “Fax:” field.

4.  Personal Fax numbers are pulled from Fax “other” field.


The “other” fax number if present WILL override the regular fax in the signature. (The resultant signature will only have one fax number, and that will be the one closest to the user.)


You can also have personal fax numbers in the ordinary fax field instead of the “other” field. But beware not to use the Multi-selection editing later, as you will inadvertently overwrite the personal numbers you have created.




This field is named: otherFacsimileTelephoneNumber in ADSI, if you are populating this field from a HR system automatically.

Direct telephone is placed in the “Other” phone field. It is named otherTelephone in ADSI.

The reason for this convention is that it is possible to edit Phone & Fax numbers with Multi User Selections, as shown in image below.



By selecting multiple users and choosing “Properties” in the Users & Computers snap-in, it is possible to change the telephone number of, say 50 users, at the same time.


This can only make sense if that would then be the HQ number, since mostly no two users have the same direct number. And it is NOT possible to edit the “other” number by multi selection. There by dictating this convention.


NB! It is not possible to edit multiple accounts at the same time when running Windows 2000