Cloud Services


What is it?


As some customers move to the cloud it can be a challenge to reach some users if they are not connected to the company domain or don't have a VPN. As well as users that only sign into AzureAD.


In the classic DynamicSignature solution signatures are generated on the PC end-point when users log on to the domain. In the Cloud Services solution the signatures are pre-generated on an on-prem server using DS-Batching Services and then pushed to the cloud.


On the end-point user computer a cloud services agent is installed (Cloud Client). This agent will pull published signatures down to the computer and install them into Outlook locally.


Prepraring for Cloud Services


You should install DS-Batching Service 2.0 or higher. You should also install DS-Manager 6.7 or higher.


This cloud service is a paid for supplement to DynamisSignature. Acquire a license and add it to enable the service.


When the job runs it will push to your end users. (You should install the Cloud Services Client on the user computers)




Pruning stale data

The service will also automatically keep track of signatures sent to the cloud.

Every 2 weeks at 23.45h the service will check for jobs that has been deleted and remove published signatures accordingly.

After a pruning job has completed any deleted signatures will no longer be visible to end-users.