Complete Markup Reference


These fields are the most used, because they are the ones available in the User Manager in AD.

Regular Fields



Menu Name


 Full Name


 Display Name






 Title ***


 Company Name




 Direct Telephone


 Direct Label


 other Telephone Number




 Mobil Label


 other Mobile


 Fax Number


 Fax Label


 other Fax Number


 HQ Phone Number


 HQ Phone Label


 IP Phone


 IP Phone Label


 Home Phone






 other IP Phone


 other Home Phone






 State Province


 Zip Code


 P.O. Box


 P.O. Box Label


 Country Region


 2 Digit Country Code


 Web Page No Link


 Web Page


 other Web Page


 Campaign Marker


 Office - General Pane

The labels come from the DS Manager Configuration.

The Logourl is the same as the wWWWebPage except it does only adds it in clear text with no link formatting. This is useful if you want to make you logo click-able you can use it in the Html Editor


** Fields are multi-line. There is Carriage-Return-Line-Feed translation in  place. In HTML CrLf is translated to <BR>. In RTF it is translated to the equivalent code "/par".

*** Field supports split sign. If you have a very long title that you wish to break into 2 or more lines, you can use a double pipe "||" in the text. (Without the quotes) This will translate to a new line in all 3 formats (HTML etc.)


Profile Photos



Menu Name


Photo Thumbnail


Photo Jpeg


Photo EWS 48px


Photo EWS 64px


Photo EWS 96px


Photo EWS 240px


Photo EWS 648px


These are only available in the Extended Exchange Schema. That is if you have install Exchange in your production environment.

Exchange Attributes



Menu Name


 Customer Attribute 1


 Customer Attribute 2


 Customer Attribute 3


 Customer Attribute 4


 Customer Attribute 5


 Customer Attribute 6


 Customer Attribute 7


 Customer Attribute 8


 Customer Attribute 9


 Customer Attribute 10


 Customer Attribute 11


 Customer Attribute 12


 Customer Attribute 13


 Customer Attribute 14


 Customer Attribute 15


These fields is NOT available through the regular "Users & Computer MMC snap-in. The are only accessible through DynamicDirectory or other Integration products like Microsoft Identity Integration Services (MIIS)

Exotic Fields



Menu Name


 Business Category


 car License




 Department Number




 Employee ID


 Employee Number


 Employee Type




 Home Postal Address








 Personal Pager


 Personal Title


 Postal Address


 Room Number


 Second Street


 Telephone Assistant


 User Principal Name


Lync Skype for Business