Smart Labels and Smart Items



The Fax number for users is taken from the DSHQ Contact or other Contact that has been used to markup the location of the user. But some times few users have a personal facsimile in the office. Then all you need to do is add the number to the user in AD.

The Software will check to see if any user has a personal fax and use that instead. It is just like the override feature for all the other information except that is it a default that you cannot control in the Configuration of your template.


Smart Labels

It will likely happen that some of your users do not have a cell phone, or do not want to have it in the signature.

In that case it is not nice to have an empty field after the label “Cell Phone: “

So these labels are defined in the configuration settings, and not in the templates. This facilitates the possibility of removing them should the user not have direct line or a cell phone. You can change the label names to fit your taste.

The following labels are defined in the configuration of a template. They all map to corresponding Mark-ups.


Parameters in INI file

Corresponding MarkUps










