Understand the addressing behavior of DynamicSignature

You can now control the behaviour by setting the GetAllAddressFromUserOnly setting.


By default the DSClient will take the address and telephone information from the DSHQ account saving you the time to add address information to each and every user in you AD.


The following guide lines, assumes that you have less than 10 office addresses or there around.

Instead of having full address information on ALL user account, it is much easier to have your addresses store some place centrally.

And where should that be? We have chosen to store it in a Contact in Ad. That seems logic. So, to minimize the administrative effort, the addresses used in your company needs to be created as Contact (or User Account) and be placed in a special OU.


All you need is to tag your users, by way of adding a short form notation in the Office Location field, and ONLY on users that DO NOT belong to the headquarter. You can of course mark up all users if you feel like it.


So, if you have 1.000 users sitting in one location, you just need to add 1 location address (Contact), and then mark-up your users.


Address Mark-up How-to

For each other location besides the Master HQ that the DSHQ Contact represents, create additional Contacts.


Follow this easy convention to use a short form of the address.  If the address is “46 Harold Street” you would create a Contact called "46HS"

Do the same for all the other locations you have. Add the respective address information and telephone numbers etc. to these Contacts.


Now that you have created the addresses for your company, you need to indicate to what addresses all you users belong.

That is simply done by putting the short form (Contact name) in the Office location field of the users.



Here you can see "N6" has been added to the Office field of a user. So the DS Client will lookup that Contact and fetch address information from that.


In case the user has not been marked up, it will automatically default to the HQ address you created. This means that in reality you need not mark-up all the users that are sitting in you HQ building. You need only mark-up the users sitting elsewhere.


Notice: You CAN select many users and set the Office location field at once. Thus you can add addresses to a thousand users in a very short time.




If your company has much more then 10 addresses to handle, you may find the method inadequate. In that case you can setup the DSClient to pull ALL address info from AD instead.


Using Accounts instead of Contacts

If you create a User Account, and provide it with a mailbox, for addressing purposes instead of a Contact you can also use the 15 Custom Attributes that is available in the Exchange Pane of the User property.