Prices - DynamicSignature

DynamicSignature Pricing in US$ and EURO and DKK
Number of UsersUSDEURDKK
25 $ 255.10 €235,20 Kr 1750
50 $ 414.00 € 381,70 Kr 2840
100 $ 618.10 € 569,90 Kr 4240
150 $ 762.40 € 703,00 Kr 5230
200 $ 879.00 € 810,50 Kr 6030
250 $ 976.70 € 900,50 Kr 6700
300 $1062.70 €979,80 Kr 7290
350 $1139.90 €1051,10 Kr 7820
400 $1209.90 €1115,60 Kr 8300
450 $1274.10 €1174,70 Kr 8740
500 $ 1333.80 € 1229,80 Kr 9150
600 $1443.10 €1330,60 Kr 9900
700 $1539.40 €1419,40 Kr 10560
800 $1628.30 €1501,30 Kr 11170
900 $1709.90 €1576,60 Kr 11730
1000 $ 2,112.68 € 1645,20 Kr 12240

Included in the price

Access to 1 year of software updates and upgrades.

License is perpetual. (No subscription fees)

1 year of technical support. Includes also remote support.


The Delivery

Upon reception of the order, we will send you a proforma invoice, to be paid by Money transfer, or via Paypal.

Upon payment completion we will send you, your new login credentials to our Customers Area, where you can download the product along with various installation instructions.

Should you have any problems deploying the signature, we will of cause assist you in any way we can.

30 day money-back-guaranty

In the unlikely event that you are not satisfied with our product, we will of cause refund you the charge of the Licenses within 30 days. We are committed to our customer’s satisfaction.

No nonsense

K67 are proud to offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee. No nonsense, no questions asked.